Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Wall of Light by Edeet Ravel

This delightful novel was a pleasure to read. Taking place over a single day, it recounts the life of Sonya Vronsky, a mathematics professor at Tel Aviv University who is deaf. Over the course of a day, Sonya kisses a student, seduces a taxi driver, discovers who her father is and leaves her brother.

Accompanying this intriguing narrative are two parallel story lines. The first is told through a series of journal entries from the 1980s and ‘90s that are written by Noah, who is technically Sonya’s nephew, but in reality is older that her aunt. The second parallel narrative describes a love story from the 1950s, and is told through a series of letters that Sonya’s mother wrote to her lover in Russia. The overall effect is a beautiful montage of overlapping story lines that combine into a wonderful tale.

4 out of 5 stars