This novel is like the Matrix movie trilogy: A brilliant plot line that grips its audience from the beginning, only to lose steam, and then wither away into a typical action thriller.
The book begins with a wonderful story of the epic struggle between the "Travelers" and the "Tabula". The Travelers refer to a series of people throughout history who have been able to project their life essence into other realms, and in the process gaining a perspective of life that fosters revolutionary ferment on Earth. The Tabula, on the other hand, are a secret group who want to kill the Travelers, in order to impose complete control on the human race. Caught in the middle of this struggle are a group of warriors known as Harlequins, who are sworn to defend the travelers.
The first-half of this novel (the first book of The Fourth Realm series) is a wonderful page turner that contains excellent writing. Unfortunately for the reader, however, the second-half of the book descends into a ho-hum action chase, that undermines the wonderful plot line. I still plan to read the rest of this series, but I hope that the following books are more Matrix I then Matrix II or III.
2 1/2 out of 5 stars