After 24-years as the chief of the fictional Rocksburg Police Department, Mario Balzic settles into a well deserved retirement. But before he can get too comfortable into his new life, an official with the Pennsylvania Department of Justice comes knocking, and offers the newly retired Balzic the opportunity to be a special investigator for a post-conviction hearing. A prison inmate who has been incarcerated for 17-years, it turns out, is asking the court to have his conviction overturned on the grounds that he was wrongly imprisoned.
Balzic soon finds himself investigating a double homicide that took place more than one-and-a-half decades earlier, and which revolves around a corrupt police department, a tragic inter-family love triangle, and horrific domestic abuse.
In this gripping novel, K.C. Constantine presents an wonderful set of characters, whose brilliant dialogue sparkles off the page. A very enjoyable read for those who love police mysteries.
3 out of 5 stars