It is a pleasure to have stumbled across the work of K.C. Constantine. In a highly acclaimed series of books, Constantine has created a wonderful set of characters that revolve around Mario Balzic, the police chief of the fictional town of Rocksburg, Pennsylvania. But it's the dialogue -- a fantastic script that is nothing short of brilliant -- that makes the Balzic books sparkle.
In "Cranks and Shadows," a mysterious swat team suddenly appears in Rocksburg, filled with camouflage wearing men with machine guns. The police chief, who is caught flat footed, sets out to find out what is going on. But as he pursues his investigation, Balzic soon discovers that his power as chief has been undermined, and that he has been oblivious to who really controls Rocksburg.
In this very entertaining book, Constantine weaves a tale filled with, among other things, political power struggles, the fear of unemployment and the limits to what a newspaper reporter can print, all enclosed in a working class setting. If you enjoy mystery books you do yourself a favour and start visiting the world of Chief Balzic.
3 1/2 out of 5 stars