The sequel continues the highly complex plot from the first book, which encompasses Canada-Cuba relations, an international criminal ring with links to the Vatican, and difficult images from the streets of Ottawa that local residents often ignore.
While continuing with the wonderful characters from the first book, notably Inspector Ramirez and the brilliant pathologist Hector Apiro, who suffers from dwarfism, the sequel introduces a new set of characters, such as Charlie Pike, an aboriginal police officer who started as a beat cop on the streets of Winnipeg and who escorts Ramirez during his trip to Canada. (The first book takes place in Havana, the second in Ottawa).
While continuing with the wonderful characters from the first book, notably Inspector Ramirez and the brilliant pathologist Hector Apiro, who suffers from dwarfism, the sequel introduces a new set of characters, such as Charlie Pike, an aboriginal police officer who started as a beat cop on the streets of Winnipeg and who escorts Ramirez during his trip to Canada. (The first book takes place in Havana, the second in Ottawa).
As a resident of Ottawa, I thoroughly enjoyed reading a mystery set in my home city. Truth be told, however, I would have loved this book regardless of where I lived, for this novel will appeal to mystery fans around the world. So if you are not familiar with Blair's work, do yourself a favour and go out and read her two books.
4 out of 5 stars.